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BV Slamdunkgals

.Captain. Man Yi
.Vice Cap. Pei Xuan

- Fiona
- Xiu Wen (Ah Boon)
- Chemie
- Shy Ying
- Jia Ling
- Eunice
- Pei Qing (BHB)
- Hwee Min
- Deborah
- Leticia (Octopus)
- Chai Foong (Feng Zi)
- Amira
- Suvd
- Jess (Unfit)
- Fei Ting (fit)
- Shi Yi
- Hui Hua

Basketball IC

.Coach. - Coach Tan
- Mr Chu
- Mrs Tiu
- Mdm Chua


Time’s Up!



Bond more!
Do our best in every match!

Hot Shot - Show Luo Zhi Xiang

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to PEIXUAN !

3:57 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Please wear white black / white green for tomorrow's photo taking.
Those who dont have jersey, please from anybody in the team.


It is not how big you are, it is how big you play.
You can't make a great play unless you do it first in practice.


7:29 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hey Girls....
If you are free on thursday and friday morning(8am - 11am), please go to school and help to train the C'girls.
As their competition is coming ~

Chemie, Pei Qing, Hwee Min, Debssss, Hui Hua, Leticia, Fiona, Pei Xuan and Fei Ting
please bring your jersey(molten) and give to mrs tiu by Friday.
If you are not free please bring on MONDAY. IS A MUST.
Because their jerseys have not arrive yet so we have to lent them first. =D


1:31 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

YoYo!! Happy Belated Birthday Debs!!! Happy Belated birthday Eunice!!
Happy belated Birthday to myself!! Although it falls at October... YoYoYo!!!
Why nobody post?? But don't worry! There's me!!
Erm.... let me tell you all some INTERESTING thing... Muahahahas...

If you all got play audition.... You all will be jealous of me!!! I won JiAlInG !!
And somemore I solo in CFM and FM... Cool right??? Y
ea...I know.... Let me show you the pic.. Actually there's more...
But I'm very kind... I just post one pic can le.... MUAHAHAHAS.....

No need sign off hor? You all confirm know who i am le hor?? Ok. Post Ended...

7:47 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009


so debs here btw. before any of you scroll all the way down to the end of the post to find out who is it who posted. HAHAH. yea, so this blog is dead. *cricket cricket* LOL!

okay, so out of COMPLETE BOREDOM... i shall just post videos.

then you can go youtube the guy yourself and scream it to me on msn, and i'll entertain you (: there is the FOB one too!! and the other hey monday song. which i TEMPORARILY forgot cause someone is annoying me right now. so, yea. go youtube explore xD

alright recent updates, our C div girls won... sengkang sec on thurs WHOOOO! look at the contrast man. when we were in sec 1. HAHHA shall not talk about it.

okay im done crapping. see y'all in school! (:

doing well as team is nothing compared to doing well as an individual. stop treating the competitions as a way to prove you're good but to help the team improve. having more talented players in our team is supposed to be a good thing. stop brainwashing others to think otherwise.

11:10 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Coach Ken Carter: When we step on the floor every second that clock is ticking,
we are pedal to the metal, we run the ball,
we pressure the ball, and most importantly we control the tempo of the game,
we make them play Richmond Oiler ball.


Bedok View: When we step on the floor every second that clock is ticking,
we are pedal to the metal,
we run the ball, we pressure the ball,
and most importantly we control the tempo of the game,
we make them play.....................

I BELIEVE! I Believe! i believe.....

We're a team.
One person struggles, we all struggle.
One person triumphs, we all triumph.

Let's WORK HARD and PLAY HARD for next year( The last and only competiton we have together).
I think so...Haha!!

10:44 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009


okok , why's our blog so effing DEAD dey ?!?!
-.- zz . outing even CAPTAIN never go .
not jialing .. MANYI !
grr .

so sad sia .. only 6 people turned up ?? D:
hais .

girls , no more matches huh ?
left with the guys .
cheer for them during their ... their .. their ... match against manjusri yea ! :D
hahaha , hope no one else would get injured ):
grr !

long time since we had like training ?? T.T
sian leh !
i so unfit , become more unfit already .

JIAYOU JY peeps .


11:21 PM